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Photo credit: Norayr Kasper, "I Will Talk to You About Time." Fotoistanbul 2015.Join our community and receive regular updates!
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Garik & Sona: Clinking their way through Armenian folk music dreams
Newly available on YouTube are ten songs from “Zngl,” the debut album Garik & Sona were shy to release until the summer of 2021. Finally, catchy hooks and dynamic melodies add up to an album full of Armo-folk songs you won’t mind getting stuck in your head. What makes Garik & Sona stand out from other similar bands? More importantly, what is their impact on Armenian folk music? H-pem has had the chance to sit down and interview Garik Papoyan and Sona Rubenyan after a sold-out concert. Check out our exclusive interview below!

Celebrating Armenian History Month at USC: An Interview with Dr. Shushan Karapetian
Dr. Shushan Karapetian, Director of the USC Dornsife Institute of Armenian Studies, shares insights into the significance and genesis of the landmark USC Armenian History Month. A day before the opening, amidst the flurry of preparations, Dr. Karapetian spared a moment to discuss the importance of Armenian History Month and its implications for the USC community and beyond.

Interview | Exploring Music and Identity With Composer Mary Kouyoumdjian
In the realm of contemporary music, Mary Kouyoumdjian is a force to be reckoned with. Known for her innovative compositions that seamlessly weave together personal narratives and socio-political commentary, Kouyoumdjian's work transcends mere musical expression.

Interview | The Serene Ceramic World of Studio Amatuni
Take a glimpse inside the tranquility of Studio Amatuni, a ceramic studio hidden on the shelves of Oshakan, Armenia. In an exclusive interview with h-pem, its founder, Svetlana Amatuni, takes us on a tour of her studio as she discusses her unique artistic process, recalls stories from her studio workshops, and explains the deep connection she has with the space as well as the art form.
This interview and its accompanying exclusive photoshoot were submitted by contributor Lilit Davtyan.

Interview | Bebook: The Bus That Brings Stories to Life
A tiny yellow bus drives down the street, this one is not merely for school field trips. Without the flick of a wand, it transforms into a stage and brings fairy tales to life for the children who reside all around Armenia. In this exclusive interview with h-pem, its founders, Ani Yeremyan and Ruzanna Petrosyan share how their theater runs on 4 wheels, their perspective on puppetry, and how they aim to reach more areas of Armenia.

Interview | Artuyt: A Masquerade of Fashion & Art
A collage of vibrant colors and distinct patterns, Artuyt is a masquerade composed of the very best of Armenia’s art, past and present. In an exclusive interview with h-pem, founder Arevik Arakelyan shares her passion for fashion and art, the backstory behind the brand, and why it's important to showcase Armenia’s artistry.

Interview | NCA: A Tour Through Children’s Art & Aspirations
A row of sculptures of mystical characters and creatures greet you as you walk along Abovyan Street in Yerevan. They are protectors of the first children’s art museum in the world. The Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics is an educational institution that provides cross-disciplinary inclusive art education and promotes the wonderful art created by children from all around Armenia. In this exclusive interview with h-pem, the General Director Vahan Badalyan, and NCA Inclusive Training Centre Coordinator Sona Budaghyan talk about the curation of the exhibitions and the impact and importance of their mission.