
Easter in retrospect: The 7 stories you missed in Armenian illuminated manuscripts
Has it not occurred to you that the Last Supper conjures up one specific Da Vinci image in Western culture? That a medieval Armenian counterpart may look quirky in an endearing way? Here we have put together a selection of Armenian miniature depictions of The Passion of the Christ. You may be surprised to find out how their fate has been intertwined with the glorious and tragic fortunes of our nation!

‘Zatik, Zatik’: Celebrating Easter with good tidings
When Maestro Krikor Alozian restarted rehearsals after a long gap amidst pandemic, little did he know that a simple video recording of a well-toiled and tinkered little song would go a long way towards reviving ancient Armenian rituals. How did he do this? We had a brief phone conversation with the conductor to find out how he came up with an impressive little gem.
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