Shahen Araboghlian's articles
12 article(s) found

May 11, 2024
interviewInterview | Exploring Music and Identity With Composer Mary Kouyoumdjian
In the realm of contemporary music, Mary Kouyoumdjian is a force to be reckoned with. Known for her innovative compositions that seamlessly weave together personal narratives and socio-political commentary, Kouyoumdjian's work transcends mere musical expression.
By Shahen Araboghlian

April 05, 2024
interviewCelebrating Armenian History Month at USC: An Interview with Dr. Shushan Karapetian
Dr. Shushan Karapetian, Director of the USC Dornsife Institute of Armenian Studies, shares insights into the significance and genesis of the landmark USC Armenian History Month. A day before the opening, amidst the flurry of preparations, Dr. Karapetian spared a moment to discuss the importance of Armenian History Month and its implications for the USC community and beyond.
By Shahen Araboghlian

February 05, 2024
interviewInna Hovhannisyan: Navigating Armenia's Artistic Odyssey
In an exclusive interview with h-pem, Inna shares her insights on the evolving art management landscape, her role in shaping Armenia's cultural future, and the exciting prospects on the horizon.
By Shahen Araboghlian

January 29, 2024
interviewAn Interview with Parg: A Journey Through Music and Emotion
We sat down with Parg, an up-and-coming artist in Armenia, for an exclusive interview.
By Shahen Araboghlian

January 25, 2021
submissionPaintings | Lara Horoupian's flapping layers of shifting light
People usually view, watch, touch, and experience art for entertainment, a tingling of the senses, emotional connectivity, or to develop a deeper understanding of art. Not with Lara, an artist, whose shiny, luminous art is appreciated for its sunny palette.
By Shahen Araboghlian

June 26, 2020
submissionSet design | ‘Anush’ and ‘Cinderella’ are on stage for Laurie Mikaelian
Often overlooked, set and scenic design in films and theater play a vital role. So vital, in fact, that the prestigious annual Tony Awards has award categories for best scenic design. The award is split into two categories: Best Scenic Design in a Musical and Best Scenic Design in a Play.
By Shahen Araboghlian

January 21, 2020
submissionIllustrations | Norashkharh: Affirmations for a new world of hope, honesty, and empowerment
In my capacity as h-pem's social media strategist, last April, I was given the task of finding Armenian graphic talent on social media platforms, specifically on Instagram. That’s around the time I came across Norashkhar—a նոր (nor | new) աշխարհ (ashkharh | world) of Armenian graphic design and typography. And right away, I was hooked...
If you’re on Instagram and follow Armenian art accounts, you’ve surely come across Norashkharh. But unlike most other accounts, this one exudes determination and dedication beyond the boundaries of creative blocks and patience—all behind the scenes. Read on to find out more about this dynamic duo...
By Shahen Araboghlian

September 13, 2019
inPictureMeet the young Armenian artists of Lebanon
To bring something into existence is to create—and “creativity takes courage.”
World-renowned French painter Henri Matisse was not wrong when he said these words. Youth are often not given the chance (or the encouragement) in the world of scribbling and sketching. The situation is not too different in the capital of Lebanon, where the Armenian youth of Beirut are often required to get into the more “serious” fields of study.
On Sept. 5, the Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery held the opening of their first “Collective Exhibition of Young Artists,” a long-overdue and most welcomed event.
We at h-pem make it one of our top priorities to ensure that Armenian artists from all around the globe get the exposure they deserve on our platforms. That is why we went ahead and asked the Beirut exhibition participants three simple questions. Through their answers, we present you the 10 young artists who got the opportunity to display and sell their art at the gallery.
By Shahen Araboghlian

June 13, 2019
submissionDesign | Rita Deek appreciates her roots
As someone who has often questioned the “authenticity” of her Armenian identity, Rita Deek has proven to be among the most innovative entrepreneurial Beirut-based artists inspired by Armenian art and culture today.
By Shahen Araboghlian
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