Montreal, Canada
Gohar Topchyan
Philanthropic Worker; Content Writer
Gohar is currently based in Montreal, Quebec, and works for a Canadian philanthropic foundation as Program Manager. She holds an MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe in Warsaw, an MA in British Studies from Humboldt University of Berlin, and a BA in English and French from Brusov State Linguistic University in Yerevan. Before moving to Canada, Gohar worked for several years as a writer, editor, and translator in Yerevan. In her spare time, Gohar enjoys travelling, hiking, attending cultural events, classical music concerts, and art exhibitions.
Gohar Topchyan's articles
8 article(s) found

March 06, 2022
featureWhere “bad Europe” met “bad Asia:” Alexander Tamanian brought the Mountain home
As high-rise buildings continue to pop up across different parts of Yerevan—often than not replacing structures deemed to be of historical and architectural significance, we cannot help but wonder to what extent Tamanian’s master plan of the city, which was only partly implemented, is different from today’s metropolis.
By Gohar Topchyan

November 29, 2021
featureAt the Cascade Complex: The masterwork that Khanjian painted till his last breath
Grigor Khanjian spent the last chapter of his life in a vast open-air space, painting a mural that would soon be hailed as an iconic rendition of Armenian history. What urged him to undertake such a huge project?
By Gohar Topchyan

October 27, 2021
featureThe Komitas Museum-Institute: A shrine worthy of a joyful spirit
Every year thousands of people step into the Komitas Museum-Institute in Armenia to learn about the creative world of Komitas Vardapet, his extraordinary gift as a composer, his noble mission as a collector of Armenian folk songs, his captivating spiritual music, and his inspiring, yet tragic life. On a visit to the museum, we talked with a couple of experts about the challenges of showcasing an icon who is revered as the founder of the Armenian national school of music.
By Gohar Topchyan

September 08, 2021
featureA sanctuary of ancient knowledge, the Matenadaran thrives in the digital age
Priceless manuscripts have survived a long and precarious journey to bear witness to Armenia’s rich cultural legacy. Now digitalization and new exhibition halls at the Matenadaran ensure that the “birth certificates” of our nation defy time and space.
By Gohar Topchyan

August 02, 2021
featureHow Ivan Aivazovsky, a master of marine art, cherished his Armenian heritage
Ivan Aivazovsky, the legendary Russian-Armenian painter of seascapes who lived an eventful life filled with travels, honors, exciting encounters, and long-lasting friendships, enjoyed world-wide recognition during his lifetime and led a prolific creative life, never forgetting his Armenian roots.
By Gohar Topchyan

May 19, 2021
featureMartiros Sarian: 'The Matisse of the East,' in pure colors
One of the smallest, yet most valuable house-museums in Yerevan is dedicated to Martiros Sarian, the founder of the national school of modern Armenian painting. A visit to the museum in the center of the city reveals the rich legacy of one of the greatest painters of the 20th century, whose paintings are characterized by simplicity and ubiquitous light.
By Gohar Topchyan

January 06, 2021
inPictureThe Nativity: 8 hidden facts in the magic of medieval Armenian art
The birth of Jesus has been a recurring theme for Armenian artists since early times. Depictions of the nativity in medieval Armenian art, especially in miniature painting, are full of religious symbolism. Based on the nativity narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, they combine traditional approaches to iconography with diverse artistic mediums and common cultural elements.
By Gohar Topchyan

December 13, 2020
interviewPosthumous vibes: The sun and hope of Harutyun Topikyan’s eternal love
More than 40 days ago, on this day, amid the chaos of COVID-19 and the existential battles on various fronts in Artsakh, one of the titanic figures of Armenian choral music, Maestro Harutyun Topikyan, the artistic director and conductor of the Yerevan Chamber Choir succumbed to the vicious virus, months after candidly exposing his unwavering love for Komitas Vardapet in a candid interview with h-pem contributor Gohar Topchyan.
By Gohar Topchyan
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