Ethno folk

'Ari Im Sokhag': Armenia’s favorite lullaby
No list on Armenian folk music would be complete without the inclusion of the lullaby, "Ari Im Sokhag" ("Come Hither, My Nightingale"). There are countless versions of this song all over the Internet and it remains one of Armenia’s favorite folk songs, which may seem baffling. Why so much love for a children’s song?

'Here's to You, Ararat': Seeing the mountain from 'the other side'
Grammy Award-winning Turkish-Armenian avant-garde folk artist, Arto Tunçboyaciyan, has been reinventing the modern Armenian folk genre for the past few decades. Though not a cover, the song "Here's To You Ararat," released with his group, the Armenian Navy Band, tells of Arto’s love for Mount Ararat, once in Armenia, now in Turkey.

'Ashkharhums Imn Dun Is': A modern take on a 300-year-old masterpiece
The great 18th-century multilingual Armenian troubadour, Sayat Nova (“King of Songs” in Persian), captivated the Caucasus with his tales of love—often, unrequited. One of his most famous compositions, "Ashkharhums Imn Dun Is" ("In This World, You Are Mine"), is a love song in the Classical Armenian dialect. It’s romantic, poetic, and oh-so-Sayat Nova-esque.

'Sareri Hovin Mernem': The timeless love ballad
If there were any misgivings about Armenian being a language of love and romance, this song should put those doubts to rest. "Sareri Hovin Mernem (Սարերի հովին մեռնեմ)" (“I’ll Die for the Wind of the Mountains”) is just one of those songs that can have you drop whatever you are doing to listen. Every. Single. Time.
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